
Acrobat x
Acrobat x

acrobat x acrobat x

Save the file with a revised name incase you need to revert to the original for any reason, as some editing features of Acrobat are disabled once commenting or annotations are allowed. In Acrobat X you need to go to the File menu and save the file as a Reader Extended PDF. By default, in the Comment > Annotations panel only sticky notes and text highlighting will be seen. If you produce artwork or forms for clients or employers and output the file from InDesign, Photoshop etc, as a PDF there will be little in the way of commenting options available. Whether they use Acrobat Reader or a full Pro version of Acrobat, commenting is a feature you can enable. If you work with clients who provide feedback on the PDFs you send over, you may want to ensure that they are able to comment directly on the file itself.

Acrobat x